Monday, September 21, 2015

A New Purpose

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I started this blog summer 2014 after discovering fashion and beauty bloggers. I loved it so much I wanted to do the same. I wanted to use my writing skills to share my life and become a part of this world. However, I have always struggled with being a perfectionist and I had a hard time making my ideas come to life for fear of the final product not being good enough, hence my limited number of posts. Don't get me wrong I love fashion and beauty, but I felt like I had no original ideas or opinions to post. So I posted about my trips and events in my life...and I enjoyed it, just not entirely. It was in this time that I had to face a question, Why blog if I don't enjoy it? I wasn't sure of the answer.

So I have taken a long time to reflect. Not just on my blog's intent, but on life.
As a college junior I am entering into a new phase of life where real-life decisions are becoming more, well, real, and things that have been stable in my life are changing. So I took a step back and reevaluated. I spent countless hours internally pondering, asking myself questions, thinking deeply and answering what I could. I learned so much about myself and came to terms with a lot. But there were two major things I realized:

1) I needed to let go of the way things use to be in order to adjust to the changes that had occurred.

2) My head and my heart weren't in a good place and it was negatively impacting my relationship with Jesus, which was putting me in an even worse place.

So I talked to my trusted Christian mentors and friends, read articles and took quality time with the Lord. This last one was the hardest for me as I have always been bad about making/taking quiet time, but I did it and it was exactly what I needed. I approached the time hoping God would place on my heart the issues that I needed to resolve and once I let my heart listen, He responded. I was able to identify 22 questions that I felt I needed to address in order to get to a better place. I'm working through the answers to these questions every day, but I feel like a great weight has been lifted off my mind and heart.

But through this process I have developed a craving for young Christian women who can serve as a role model for me. While I have many lovely women in my life, I also like to read what women I don't know personally have to say...and here is where I have found an issue. There are several great Christian websites, but few young female Christian bloggers that I connect with. This got me thinking, why can't I be that girl? Why can't I use my blog to serve the Lord, whether someone reads it or not. Writing is certainly a cathartic act for me, so even with little to no readers, this seems to be an amazing opportunity to voice my thoughts and experiences as a young Christian woman.

And so, my blog has a new purpose and so do I. A Christ-centered purpose. A mission to share, so that the girl inside me can reflect and grow and the girl out there may find encouragement, advice or even simple, but useful information. And it starts now.

With love,

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