Saturday, February 7, 2015


It's easy to forget that tragedy can occur in your life. The "It will never happen to me" mindset is so prevalent that when something tragic does occur, we are left reeling from the impact. 

You are likely wondering what has prompted me to write such a post? So I'll tell you.

On Saturday morning I got a call from my mom saying one of my high school friends, a girl I had known since I was three, had suffered from a stroke on the right side of her brain. I was sad to hear that such a terrible thing had happened, but it didn't upset me greatly. By Monday morning she had passed away. 

Now imagine going about your merry weekend, watching the Pats win the Superbowl and having a great time when Monday morning your mom calls again to say your friend had died. Died. That's a hard pill to swallow don't you think? I was instantly an emotional wreck. I cried all day long, but I am blessed to having amazing people surrounding me who offered love and support.

By the end of Monday the hashtag #pinkforHannah had been created and pink images were appearing as Facebook cover photos. It was a known fact that Hannah's favorite color was pink.
Everyone began posting photos and memories shared with Hannah and in the midst of it all...I began to feel at peace. I felt like God spoke comfort into my heart, like He said "This is my will. Hannah is well now and good things will come from this tragedy."

In an instant, I was remembering what made Hannah wonderful. She was sassy and spirited, despite battling health issues her entire life. I thought about my first sleep-over ever at her house in the 1st grade and how we sat next to each other at our high school graduation. She was an amazing person and I am so grateful to have called her my friend.
Me on the left, Hannah on the right
I can already see the good that is coming from her passing. My graduating class and home community has come together to remember Hannah in so many different ways. It is amazing to see what an impact Hannah made on so many people. She was (and still is) truly inspiring. I have personally been reminded of how precious life truly is. I can now really understand my mother's request to have me home as much as possible, but my desire to see the world and experience new things has skyrocketed. Yet, the greatest thing Hannah has done for me is inspire me to live life and appreciate every day. Life isn't perfect and it never will be, but I can make the most of it while I still have the opportunity and you should too.

While tragedy is by no means something to take lightly, we must remember the happy memories and look for the good that follows. Most importantly, we must seize the day. 
Carpe diem!

With love,

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